With No Due Respect S02E14 (Corona Cast II)
Are you still alive? or are you Scared to DEATH! The stock market is falling and so is the sky, but fear not. We have the latest Corona Virus updates along with the reality of the situation at hand (at least our version of reality) Then: #OCOTW a boy is bullied; a rapist and his walker #DHOTW Jim Baker has a lozenge for that and wilder runs his mouth #YKYOTW Zamboni Goaltender and a Special Segment - Who do you think you are - Bowling God With No Due Respect S02E14 (Corona Cast II) SHOW NOTES: Mike Pence - Now in charge of the Covid-19 task force seen here showing NASA how it's done. What fear looks like on a chart...the Dow Jones Industrial Avg. WorldOMeter website for all of the corona virus numbers https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ Map demonstrating the over expressiveness of what countries "have" coronavirus Demolition Man eats a rat burger Australian Boy Bullied Video: https://youtu.be/cdIkJoe85N0 Harvey Weinstein and his Walker ...