With No Due Respect S04E13 (Mermaids, Hulks & Agojie Warriors)

 Ever seen a Mermaid?  Neither have we, but we can tell you about all of the cultures around the world who just might have.  As we navigate under the sea, we swim into the world of female vs male screen play writers and finally land in the 1800's Kingdom of Dahomey in Africa to find out just who is the wokest amongst the wokest.

With No Due Respect S04E13 (Mermaids, Hulks & Agojie Warriors)


Artargatis (Mermaid) of Assyria

Statue of Thessalonike in Greece

"The Little Mermaid" 1989

"The Little Mermaid" 2023

Miles Morales

Halle Bailey

Starwars Bad Batch



Ripley "Alien"

Tess Mcgill - "Working Girl"

Princess Leia

Clarice - Silence of the Lambs


Sarah Connor "Terminator"

Vanessa Williams in "Eraser"

Brie Larson

Gina Carano


    Disney Crows

John Favreau & Dave Filoni



Dr. Cornelius Evezan

"The Woman King"

Maria Bello


Phoebie Waller Bridge

Harrison Ford gets emotional at Disney Day


Submarine Mermaid Video


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